SSH: Security Liability?

Published on 2023-01-22

SSH is pretty handy. As a hobbyist who actually enjoys managing a few Linux boxes, I use it all the time. However I can’t shake the feeling that it’s one of the largest security liabilities out there for a server administrator, despite the fact that the first S in SSH stands for “secure.”

It has too much in common with projects like PGP / GPG and OpenVPN, which:

After all, if you need configuration auditing software and a myriad of “hardening” guides on the Internet, then it just might be too complex.

Learning From WireGuard

I’m not aware of any widely-used alternatives that are secure. But if the WireGuard developers ever come up with something, it’ll probably be exactly what I’m looking for.

WireGuard has been designed with ease-of-implementation and simplicity in mind. It is meant to be easily implemented in very few lines of code, and easily auditable for security vulnerabilities.

A great example of this is how WireGuard approaches versioning, which is exactly the opposite of PGP, OpenVPN, and SSH:

WireGuard restricts the options for implementing cryptographic controls, limits the choices for key exchange processes, and maps algorithms to a small subset of modern cryptographic primitives. If a flaw is found in any of the primitives, a new version can be released that resolves the issue.

From Wikipedia

What I Do

I don’t bother with SSH configuration on my servers anymore. Instead, I rely on Tailscale (which uses WireGuard) to connect to my servers. My firewall only allows SSH access via the Tailscale interface. At this point I could almost discard SSH entirely and use Telnet instead (though I don’t).

Of course I have the luxury of being a self-hosted hobbyist, so I don’t have a very complex threat model, and this works well for me. I doubt if the same strategy would be feasible for someone who needed to manage a bunch of servers at scale.

I do suspect we would all be better off if we separated concerns a bit more: Use a simple VPN or similar service for establishing a secure tunnel, and use a separate system for interacting with the server through the tunnel.


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